preferred to build a mosque to Allah

preferred to build a mosque to Allah

The construction of mosques in Islam favored the message of goodness and piety

The construction of mosques in Islam carries a deep meaning of goodness and piety, as those who carry out this work are considered lucky in the eyes of Allah. Allah the Almighty says in his holy book: “Only those who believe in Allah and the last day live, pray and pay zakat, and fear only Allah, may Those be among the converts,” and this shows us how much credit is given to those who build Allah’s mosques.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “whoever builds a mosque for Allaah, even as an inspection, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise,” and this reflects the value of efforts exerted in building places of worship.

The Islamic guidelines also highlight the importance of building mosques in the houses and the need to clean and tidy them, and this shows us that the mosque is not just a place for prayer only, but is a symbol of solidarity and worship.

Whoever glorifies the rites of Allah and seeks to build his mosques, he works for the sake of piety and goodness, and this makes him close to the hearts of believers and enriches their spiritual and social life.

The construction of mosques in Islam: a symbol of Renaissance and development

The construction of mosques occupies a special place in Islam, where the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) attached great importance and prestige to it. The mosque is not just a place of prayer, but it is the center from which the call of Islam to spread its light and virtue throughout the Earth originated.

Mosques are considered centers of educational, educational and social renaissance in Muslim societies, where the people of Islam strive to adhere to the pillars of Islam and faith, and perform the basic function that the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) aimed at.

Therefore, the basis in the construction of mosques is not to be built with the highest and best building models, but rather its importance is centered in what Muslims are doing in it to strive to strengthen the values of Islam and faith, and contribute to achieving Renaissance and development in all aspects of their lives.

When we build mosques, we are building a symbol of Renaissance and development, expressing the true spirit of Islam, social solidarity and the human spirit that this great religion carries.

preferred to build a mosque to Allah

The importance of mosques: more than one place to pray

Mosques are more than just buildings dedicated to performing prayers, they represent a vital Center for the life of Muslims and their communities. The role of mosques is not limited to building them with bricks and stone, but their construction is also embodied in remembering Allah, praising him and acting on his command.

The Quranic verses indicate that in the Houses of Allah mosques the name of Allah is mentioned and praised to him, and that they are where souls gather for Remembrance, knowledge and performing special worship. It serves as a center for consultation and reception of delegations, and is considered a base for doing all matters related to society and the Islamic State.

Therefore, we must understand that mosques are not just buildings for performing prayers, they are places for strengthening social solidarity, teaching science and Islamic morality, uniting classes and organizing community affairs.

Mosque architecture: houses of God and centers of hope

The mosques of Allah the Almighty carry more than just walls and ceilings, they represent sacred centers that embrace spirituality, teach science and promote social solidarity. In the words of Allah Almighty and the Sunnah of his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the importance of building and caring for mosques is highlighted.

The architecture of mosques is integrated in two aspects: material and spiritual structure. The physical structure includes the construction and maintenance of mosques, equipping them with everything necessary for the comfort of worshippers and creating a suitable environment for worship. The construction of mosques is not just a Fiqh duty, but a message of faith that expresses devotion and piety. Islam sponsored the construction of mosques and set for this a great reward from Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “whoever builds a mosque in which the face of Allaah seeks, Allaah will build him like him in Paradise”. As narrated from Ibn ‘ Abbas, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “whoever builds a mosque for Allaah, even as a cat Examiner, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise”.

As for the spiritual structure, it is reflected in the purpose for which the mosque is intended, it is not just a place for prayer, but a center for meditation, education and communication with God. The words of Allah in the Quran remind us of the importance of mosques as centers of remembrance and worship. The architecture of the mosque is completed only by taking into account its real role in consolidating the faith, promoting spirituality and teaching Islamic values.

The mosque is not just a place of prayer, it is the heart of the Islamic community and a platform for promoting solidarity and the development of Science and ethics. Therefore, we must devote our efforts to preserving these holy centers and enhancing their role in achieving good and harmony among believers.

The construction of mosques is an ongoing charity for the world and the hereafter

The encouragement of Islamic law for the construction and reconstruction of mosques appears in the verses and hadiths that urge this. Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran: “only those who believe in Allah and the last day live, pray and pay zakat, and fear only Allah, may Those be converts,” and the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentions in the Hadith: “whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build him in paradise like him,” and in another narration: “whoever builds a mosque for Allah as a cat Examiner, Allah will build him a house in Paradise”.

Building mosques and contributing to their reconstruction is not only a good deed in the world, but it is an ongoing charity that is paid to the contributor, whether in his lifetime or after his death. Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he said: “whatever befalls a believer from his work and good deeds after his death, a knowledge he has learned and published, a good son he has left, a newspaper he has inherited, a mosque he has built, a house for a son of the way he built, a river he rented, or a charity he took out of his money for his health and life, befalls him after his death”.

Building mosques and contributing to them is one of the greatest good deeds that a person can do in his life, and its constants will continue to flow to the contributor in this world and the hereafter.

preferred to build a mosque to Allah

Building interconnected communities the role of philanthropy

Philanthropy is an essential pillar in building interconnected and solidarity-based societies, as it promotes social cooperation and achieves well-being for all. By supporting people in need, we strengthen solidarity and build bridges of cooperation, which promotes a positive spirit in society.

The positive impact of charity work is not only limited to society, but also extends beyond that to our personal lives, as it gives us happiness and satisfaction. For me, donating to the poor through AHAD humanitarian association is an expression of the values of giving and dedication, and it gives me pride and reassurance that I am part of improving the lives of others.

AHAD humanitarian society stands out for its diverse efforts in serving people, as it strives to achieve comprehensive development through its multiple projects. Its efforts range from the construction of wells to provide clean water to the distribution of livestock to improve the livelihood of families, up to the support of education and health care. AHAD society works hard to achieve a positive impact in people’s lives.

You can visit the ahad Association website to find out more about the projects it offers

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