The water crisis in Africa

The water crisis in Africa is our choice of the title of the article for you in light of the scarcity in the water revolution suffered by the general public in general and the inhabitants of Africa in particular.

To shed light on the most important waterways in Africa and what are the causes of water scarcity

And we discuss the answer to the commonly asked question about this crisis, you see, is the water going to end What are the risks of drinking water scarcity

All of the above has been set as a goal for the AHAD and it strives according to its organized program to save as many poor and needy people as possible. take the initiative to donate and provide a helping hand through the main website of the association and everyone is well paid and rewarded.

The water crisis in Africa

How would the world face a water crisis if it covers 70% of the surface of the globe, and in fact 97.5% of this water is in the seas unfit for human consumption.

The water crisis in Africa, this important issue includes the sources of Water Resources in general, the mechanism of their distribution and economic uses throughout the continent.

The continent of Africa in general has about 9% of the world’s fresh water resources and 16% of the world’s population, and its rivers include the Congo, the Zambezi, the Nile and the Niger, and contains the second largest lake in the world, Lake Victoria, and this continent is nevertheless the second driest continent where millions of people suffer from water shortages throughout the year.

This lack of water wealth and the real reason for this suffocating crisis is attributed to:

1. Problems with uneven distribution of the population, population surges and poor supply management.

2. The great variability of precipitation patterns in different places and times of the continent.

3. High water evaporation rates in some parts of Africa, which leads to low rainfall.

4. The occurrence of very large fluctuations in all climatic characteristics and water resources between years and within one year.

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Titles we have selected for you:

Waterways of Africa

What are the causes of water scarcity

What are the risks caused by the scarcity of drinking water

Waterways of Africa

The African continent is one of the continents rich in waterways, the most famous of which are the Congo, Niger, Zambezi and Nile rivers, where the Congo River alone accounts for 30% of the water resources of the African continent, inhabited by only 10% of the African population, while other rivers account for 10% of the total flowing water.

It is also worth mentioning the multiplicity of transboundary water resources that enrich the waterways of Africa from rivers, aquifers and lakes, and includes about 75% of sub-Saharan Africa 53 international river catchments that cross several borders.

In light of the water crisis in Africa, AHAD had another opinion on its proposal for the water and Sanitation Program in an effort to support the population of Africa, where it divided the program into several axes as follows:

Drilling wells to provide sustainable sources of potable water.

Mobile and stationary bathrooms in order to preserve the public health and health of communities.

Desalination of drinking water for people in Africa.

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What are the causes of water scarcity

The water crisis in Africa is mainly related to the lack of water sources and many other reasons, which we will discuss below, as the global water scarcity is due in essence to the temporal and geographical mismatch between the availability of fresh water and the demand for it.

The increase in the world population, changing consumption patterns, improving living standards and the expansion of irrigated agriculture are among the main driving forces of increasing global demand for water.

In the same research framework, water is one of the resources of increasing importance, and its management is now considered as the most threatening risk to business continuity and growth at all levels, what are the causes of water scarcity We also mention:

  • Climate change.
  • Population increase.
  • Start depletion of groundwater.
  • Poor infrastructure.
  • The wrong price for water.
The water crisis in Africa

The water crisis in Africa

What are the risks caused by the scarcity of drinking water

Have you ever thought when opening a can of soft drinks, where does the water inside come from

Imagine that India chose to collect rainwater, treat it and then mobilize it, and in the Maldives they treated sea water, trying to provide solutions to prevent falling into perdition.

Population inflation is invading the world accompanied by rising temperatures, increasing the pressure on available fresh water resources, has it occurred to you what are the risks caused by the scarcity of drinking water

Statistics show that the global demand for Safe Drinking Water will increase by 55% between 2000 and 2050, the main reason is agriculture, which consumes % of the world’s fresh water, and by 2035 food production must be increased by 69% to meet the needs of population growth.

This and more, which created the water crisis in Africa especially and also globally

Headlines passed through the article:

The water crisis in Africa

Waterways of Africa

What are the causes of water scarcity

What are the risks caused by the scarcity of drinking water


What are the causes of water shortage in the world?

Global water scarcity is due in essence to the geographical and temporal mismatch between the demand for fresh water and its availability: an increase in the world’s population, improving living standards, changing consumption patterns, and the expansion of irrigated agriculture are among the main driving forces of increasing global water demand.


What are the methods of water sterilization

Water disinfection is the process in which pathogenic microorganisms and viruses are killed, their mechanism of action is disrupted or even removed, and this process is special for the treatment of drinking water as it does not kill all the living organisms present in the water.


At the end of the article, AHAD uses the phrase “because it deserves life” as its motto, believes in it and works hard to fulfill its dictates. Ahad has found the association to influence the life of the communities it serves, to build the capabilities of its members to take ownership of their lives, build their capabilities and enable them to participate effectively, especially exercising their natural right to live a decent life.


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