Information about Tanzania

Information about Tanzania

it has experienced many different civilizations over the ages, including the Arabs, Portuguese, Germans and British. The island of Zanzibar, located on the coast of Tanzania, is known for its rich cultural history and picturesque beaches. through this article we will know more bout Information about Tanzania 

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The problem of orphans in Africa

The problem of orphans in Africa

Orphans in Africa lack adequate support and care, suffer from a lack of access to education and basic health care, which negatively affects their development and future. In addition, orphans suffer from discrimination and social exclusion, as they suffer from poor legal status and difficult access to economic opportunities. In order to solve the problem of orphans in Africa

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Zakat of Eid al-Fitr

Zakat of Eid al-Fitr

Zakat of Eid al-Fitr is the reparation of the defect in fasting, as prostration of omissions forces the defect in prayer, the fasting person may fall in the month of Ramadan with some violations that scratch the perfection of fasting

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