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Guinea is a country of great cultural and geographic diversity and has immediate needs in education, water, and health. Of these, the education system faces the daunting challenge of a very low literacy rate: 57% of all adults cannot read, and it needs immediate modifications. As for water, access to safe sources is at about 42%, while there are implications for public health due to a higher risk for certain diseases. The health challenges are also outstanding, with infectious diseases blowing wide and needing an appropriate response in the shortest time possible.
Our turn in Guinea
AHAD also plays a very active role in supporting education and the needs of communities in Guinea. The Quranic schools supported by AHAD develop the spiritual and educational upbringing of youngsters in education, providing educational materials that offer new opportunities for education and development. In health, it gives poor families basic health kits and undertakes eye surgery, thus offering hope to visually challenged persons. In water, the association digs wells and secures sources of clean water, thus reducing diseases related to water and improving the living conditions in communities.