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Mali is gravely suffering from water and food security and health challenges. An estimated 3.5 million people are said to face severe food insecurity and urgently require humanitarian protection. Access to potable water is disturbingly available to only 30% of the population, a condition that predisposes people to infectious diseases. In health, particularly acute malnutrition, about 10% of the children under five years of age are affected and their health and growth are threatened.
Our turn in Mali
AHAD reduces suffering and better fulfills the basic needs of people in Mali. Within food security, AHAD supports communities with acute food shortages through the distribution of food baskets and assists the most vulnerable families in regaining their livelihoods. AHAD supports malnourished children in growth and development with health support. It works in the water sector to dig wells for clean drinking water where it is not readily available, with a view to reducing disease cases and improving community health.