








Somali Needs
Somalia is severely afflicted by food insecurity and health challenges due to successive droughts and floods. As many as 88,320 people are in dire need of urgent food assistance amid food insecurity and mass population displacement. Access to basic health care has not been easily accessible, as most displacement areas were lacking in clinics and medical facilities, thereby placing a huge number of people at the risk of infectious diseases. The water condition is even worse: it has been estimated that demand for clean drinking water has doubled in rural communities struck by floods, making public health worse in places where infrastructure is lacking.
Our turn in Somalia
AHAD Association activities in Somalia are a great step toward solving the humanitarian situation in the country. The association, by its activities, provides urgent food aid to more than 88,320 needy persons and thus helps reduce their suffering during the prevalence of frequent food crises. AHAD develops access to primary health care treatment by supporting health facilities, which serves as a means of protection for a community against various infectious diseases. Moreover, AHAD starts water projects to provide clean drinking water in flood-affected areas, increasing the quality of life and giving the best possible support to public health. AHAD’s commitment to help people in need is a commitment to the spirit of solidarity and instills hope in Somalia.