Digging an ongoing charity well

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person is what we have chosen for you from a headline, We will talk in this article about drilling an ongoing charity well and we will also explain the types of wells and their prices and suggest to you some charities drilling a running charity water well.

It is also worth mentioning inside the article about how an ongoing charity works on the internet and whether the best alms are considered a reward.

And we shed light on the opinion of the Sharia on the question is it permissible to write the name of the donor on the well Is it permissible to drill a well for a living person

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

Our article is aimed at those with living consciences and people of goodness and charity, anyone who does not feel different and does not understand the value of humanity has no evaluation among people.

AHAD takes the phrase” because it deserves life ” as its motto, believes in it and works hard to fulfill its dictates, and found AHAD to influence the life of the communities it serves, to build the capabilities of its members to take ownership of their lives, build their capabilities and enable them to participate effectively, especially exercising their natural right to live a decent life.

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

First of all, let’s talk in general about ongoing charity and what is the rule of digging a well of ongoing charity in the name of a person

First of all, with regard to the definition of ongoing charity, it is the charity that a person pays on a periodic basis in order to identify with Allah and personal goodness, and it is considered among the basic cults in Islam.

This means that it forms part of the application of high Islamic ethics, contributes to the spread of humanity, the improvement of social life, and the promotion of mercy and charity among communities.

It is imperative that creating anything that works for humanity is considered ongoing charity, let alone someone who has dug a well of ongoing charity, it is one of the best ongoing alms.

Imam Ahmad and others narrated from Saad Ibn Ubadah that he said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, my mother is dead, do you believe about her He said, yes, I said, ‘ which charity is better?’ He said: water the water.

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

The advisory committee added

It is not required that the name of the deceased be written on the thing to be believed, but rather the mandate and consideration of the intention of the believer, citing what he said: “the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only acts with intentions, but for everyone what he intended.

What we have selected for you from important addresses

  1. Digging a charity well is underway in the name of a person.
  2. Is it permissible to write the donor’s name on the well
  3. A running charity water well.
  4. Is it permissible to drill a well for a living person
  5. How to make an ongoing charity online.


Is it permissible to write the donor’s name on the well

A question was sent to the Islamic Research Complex saying: “is it permissible to write the donor’s name on the well? The Fatwa Committee of the Assembly responded to him, saying:

It is proved about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he said: “if the son of Adam dies, his work will be interrupted except for three: ongoing charity, or a righteous child who calls for him, or knowledge that will benefit him”.

The Fatwa Committee explained that ongoing charity is charity that takes a long time to benefit from, and it is not required that the name of the deceased be written on the thing that is being believed, but rather the mandate and consideration of the intention of the believer.

One of the first things is not to write your name on charity because that is considered closer to sincerity, and hiding charity is considered better than showing it unless this demonstration is for a legitimate purpose such as encouraging people.

A running charity water well

As a result of the wars experienced by African countries, negative effects appeared at the social, economic and environmental level. Many of the population in these countries suffer from poverty, ignorance and disease, due to the scarcity of potable water, which is not available for human consumption in general. The African continent is famous for its dry climate and high temperatures, and this fact is considered an obstacle to the availability of water due to its shortage, and therefore water is considered among the natural resources that suffer from its scarcity significantly.

Therefore, digging a well of Running Charity Water is one of the most things through which you can give charity about your money and your dependents, especially if you dig a well of running charity in the name of a person.

Based on this, we ask you to visit the website of the Ahad  and view its implemented charitable projects.

Read also

Is it permissible to drill a well for a living person

It is permissible for you to give ongoing charity on behalf of your family and the people of your home, even without their knowledge, whether it is digging a well for ongoing charity in the name of a person or others, and you and those for whom you have given charity on it, may Allah Almighty Insha’allah grant it, if you intend for ongoing charity to be for both of you.

What is stated in Islamic law about the question, is it permissible to dig a well for a living person

Therefore, what is stated in the question is permissible, and its reward, by Allah’s permission, reaches the dead and the living, whether the living knows about it or not, and what people do from believing in the reward of their friends or relatives is from fulfilling companionship, and righteousness in the womb. And God knows.

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person

Digging an ongoing charity well in the name of a person


In an effort to strengthen our opinion, we will tell you what the son of values came up with:

Whoever fasts, prays, or believes, and gives his reward to others, from the dead and the living, and her reward reaches them with the people of the year and the congregation, and he gets the reward with his intention for him before the deed, whether he gave it or not.

How to make an ongoing charity online.

Digging a well of ongoing charity in the name of a person or other ongoing charity for the soul of the deceased is one of the best works performed by relatives and relatives after his death, since its remuneration continues to reach him based on the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him:

“The work of man after death is interrupted only by three, including the ongoing charity”.

Therefore, the people of the deceased should be careful to do the work for the purpose of ongoing charity so that the giving, remuneration and reward continue, so we will show you how to do ongoing charity online:

Social media sites have become one of the most popular ways to spread alms and good deeds that reach the largest number of users, as both Facebook and Twitter platforms, which include a large number of users, are considered one of the most interactive platforms.

As this charity can be a reason to guide many individuals to the right path and stay away from sins and sins, so many relatives of the deceased and his relatives are keen to do ongoing charity online by creating an Islamic website and making it ongoing charity for the deceased, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Related titles

Digging a charity well is underway in the name of a person.

Is it permissible to write the donor’s name on the well

A running charity water well.

Is it permissible to drill a well for a living person

How to make an ongoing charity online.


Frequently asked questions

  1. Is it permissible to do a current charity about myself

Yes, it is permissible and I don’t mind, regardless of whether they are able or not able to live or after a long life, there is no objection to doing ongoing charity for yourself, your parents and those people you love, whether relatives or non-relatives.. It is better that a person submits to himself while he is alive.

  1. How to drill a well

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: whoever digs a well, he has forty arms to give to his cattle. Narrated by Majah’s son.

  1. Does water charity bring livelihood

The importance of water charity is shown in the fact that the value of water lies with the people’s need for it when the heat intensifies and temperatures rise, so water charity doubles the wage when people need it. She survives the fire and takes away a lot of bad from her owner. The charity of Water pays off the affliction of the Muslim and is a great reason for Allah-Almighty-to forgive its owner and take away any evil from him.

One team with one pulse changes the life of the continent of Africa, we are talking about the team of the Ahad, which invites you to contribute even a little with them.

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