How to distribute the sacrifice for the deceased

Ruling on sacrifice for the dead: what you should know from the sharia rulings

Searching on internet sites, many people are wondering about the rule of sacrifice for the deceased, whether it is a reward or not, about its conditions and the rule of slaughtering it for the deceased. The issue of sacrifice for the deceased is one of the legitimate issues that arouses great interest, as many would like to know what to do in this matter based on religious teachings.

The sacrifice for the Dead is a confirmed Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and the doer of it is steadfast and is not punished for leaving it, and the matter includes the Quranic connotations and the prophetic Sunnah, in addition to the Sharia consensus. The holy verse in Surah Al-Kawthar explained the necessity of establishing prayer and slaughtering the sacrifice, and al-Qurtubi provided an explanation of this verse in his interpretation.

Ruling on the sacrifice of the deceased: sharia rulings and fiqh answers

Dar Al-Ifta confirmed that the sacrifice for the deceased is a reward in the event of the deceased recommending it or waqf for this purpose, and if it is obligatory by vow or other, the heirs must implement it. With regard to the issue of sacrifice without the recommendation of the deceased, the Hanafi, Maliki and hanbalis consider it permissible, while the Shafi’i consider that it is not permissible without a will or waqf.

The fatwa pointed out that the legitimate execution of the slaughter can be through the prosecution, where it is permissible for a Muslim or one of the people of the book to slaughter the sacrifice on behalf of the deceased, relying on the Hadith of Lady Fatima. The sacrificer may also assign another person to carry out the slaughter or entrust someone to buy and slaughter the sacrifice.

With this, the fatwa clarifies the Sharia provisions related to the sacrifice of the deceased and provides appropriate Fiqh guidelines for the implementation of this charitable work in accordance with Islamic teachings.

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Distribution of sacrifice according to the Sunnah: legal rulings and religious etiquette

The distribution of the sacrifice is considered an important matter in worship, and it must be performed carefully in accordance with the Sharia teachings. Here’s how to distribute the sacrifice based on the Hadiths and religious guidance:

The distribution of the sacrifice into three sections

It is preferable to divide the sacrifice into three equal parts: a third for the people of the house, a third for relatives, and a third for the poor and needy. This approach shows justice and balance in distribution and reflects the spirit of solidarity and solidarity in society.

Feeding the people of the House

The people of the home, who live with the victim and share life with him, must be fed first, in order to strengthen family ties and secure their basic rights.

Introduction to relatives and neighbors

After feeding the people of the house, the second trimester should be offered to relatives and neighbors, they are part of the surrounding community and should be shared in the joy of the feast and sacrifice.

Distribution to the poor and needy

The last third should be dedicated to the poor and needy, to help them overcome the difficulties and needs they face in their daily lives.

Interest in etiquette and age

Etiquette and Sunnah should be observed during the sacrifice process, such as naming, zooming, charity in the slaughter, directing the sacrifice towards the Qibla, and other details that contribute to the correct completion of worship.

It is important to adhere to the Sharia directives and prophetic hadiths in the distribution of the sacrifice, to ensure that the action is acceptable and pleasing to the Almighty.

Sacrifice and its rulings between the Sunnah of the prophet and the sharia rulings

Sacrifice is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam, it is an act of closeness to Allah Almighty performed on the days of sacrifice under certain conditions. The concept of sacrifice includes the process of sacrifice, slaughter and AQR, which is the legitimate way to achieve the dissolution of the animal and confirm its purity, and provide an opportunity to benefit from its skin and hair.

The Sunnah of the prophet and the sharia rulings prove the legitimacy of sacrifice and its importance in Islam. While the doers persevere and urge them in the spoken Sunnah, the actual hadiths show their practical application, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) slaughtered them himself and handled them in an exemplary manner.

From here, the directives of the Sunnah and the sharia rulings emphasize the importance of performing sacrifice and the commitment of Muslims to it as a prescribed worship in the Islamic religion.

Conditions of sacrifice in Islam

The conditions of sacrifice form an essential part of worship in Islam, as Muslims are required to adhere to them to ensure the correctness of the action and its acceptance by Allah. Here are the conditions of sacrifice according to Islamic teachings:

The sacrificial animals must be cattle, camels, cows, buffaloes, sheep, a lamb or a goat. The sacrifice of only these items is not fragmentary.

It is stipulated that the animal being sacrificed must be old, and it must exceed the age of sacrifice or the age considered legitimate, depending on the type of animal.

The sacrifice must be free from defects that detract from its value, such as blind, blind, cut, sick, and others.

The conditions of sacrifice come to ensure its acceptance by Allah and the fulfillment of the religious and symbolic goals that this worship carries in Islam.

The etiquette and conditions of sacrifice in Islam

Sacrifice in Islam is considered an important cult that needs to adhere to the established etiquette and conditions. One of the etiquette that must be observed during the sacrifice is naming and zooming, and doing good in slaughtering by limiting the blade and resting the sacrifice and being gentle with it, and laying it on its left side directed to the direction of the Qiblah for those who could, in addition to other etiquette and Sunnah.

The conditions of sacrifice in Islam also include the specific type of animals allowed, where the sacrifice is divided into three types: camel, cow and sheep. For each species, the appropriate age is required, as the animal must exceed the age of sacrifice set for it based on its type.

By adhering to the established etiquette and conditions, the religious goals of the sacrifice are achieved and divine acceptance of it is guaranteed.

Ruling on the sacrifice: the imposition of Umm Sunnah, its preference and conditions

Sacrifice in Islam is a subject on which jurists disagree, is it an imposition or a Sunnah We have dealt with this subject by comparing the opinions of the scholars and we have found that the correct thing is that it is a confirmed Sunnah about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). A man and his household can differentiate between them in the sacrifice, and up to 7 people can participate in the sacrifice, provided that the per capita share is not less than seven.

And who should sacrifice We have dealt with this aspect by relying on Sharia evidence, and we have found that the sacrifice is Sunnah for the one who is able to do it, that is, whoever has enough to spend the sacrifice on himself, his family and children on the days of Eid, the night of it, and the three days and nights of Tashreeq.

In the end, we discussed the virtue of sacrifice and its conditions, as it is a worship that is highly accepted by Allah. God Forgives every sin at the first drop of her blood, and God Forgives every sin at the first drop of her blood.

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