Children of famine in Somalia

The children of the famine in Somalia are remembered by the media channels when the world is at peace, and a place is reserved for them on their screens, but Ahad has never forgotten them.

The children of Somalia need the whole world, and first you need to know the answer to the question what is the cause of Somalia’s poverty.

We found on Google your search on the children of Somalia famine and maybe that’s why you are in our article, we will discuss with you that as well as we will discuss the answer to how to tackle poverty in Somalia

Follow our article and get acquainted with its content and don’t forget to go to the AHAD website and follow a lot more.

Children of famine in Somalia

Children of famine in Somalia

Children of famine in Somalia

Did you ever joke with your friend when I saw him eating voraciously and said, ‘ Are you starving?’

Starvation is to live a lifetime with an empty stomach that is not filled as it should be, and it is to get used to seeing your children with an emaciated appearance, so that it leads you to fight with your brothers for one morsel, as happens with the famine children in Somalia.

Children of famine in Somalia

Children of famine in Somalia

Maybe the word famine is a bit harsh and you can’t hear it without your heart catching, but the volunteers at AHAD didn’t just hear and watch, they worked to address the acute food shortage in Africa through the following problem for the 2022 data of the association:

Food baskets: 23 projects and 3.381 beneficiaries

Bread distribution: 3 projects and 320 beneficiaries

Iftar: 46 projects, number of beneficiaries 11.307

Sacrifices: 400 projects and the number of beneficiaries is 64.562

Addresses you will see in our article:

1. Children of famine in Somalia.

2. Children of Somalia.

3. What is the cause of Somalia’s poverty

4. The children of Somalia are starving.

5. How to tackle poverty in Somalia

Children of Somalia

Their photos are more informative than the explanation and description, but no one can feel their feelings and endure the bitterness of a difficult life, they are the children of famine in Somalia.

An example from Allah Almighty that the world is divided into two halves, half hungry and the other half capable of sufficing itself in varying proportions and levels, did you wonder what the lesson is in that

The holiday of charity in Islam is an interconnected lesson with the existence of poverty in every geographical spot of this world, so the cry of the children of Somalia has reached you, do not lose sight of it!

The AHAD team allows you to donate to them and convey your message to them that you are with them and feel them and not their children.

Children of famine in Somalia

Children of famine in Somalia

What is the cause of Somalia’s poverty

Somalia was largely self-sufficient in food until the Seventies, when its economy was based on the exchange relationship between pastoralists and farmers, after which the agricultural economy in the country was damaged as well as wars and fighting on its territory.

First of all, the Somalis have been known since history that everyone buys and sells them as slaves and until this moment there is an inferior view of them in western and Eastern society, but Islam did not distinguish between Arab and Ajmi only by piety, and hence the work of the association began with the care and feeding of famine children in Somalia.

Somalia’s children are starving

At the actual level, we are facing a humanitarian and human catastrophe when we see the extravagance and extravagance of several personalities around the world and we see the rib cage and the spine of the people of Africa almost out of place from the severity of the frailty, hence we should address the believing person inside you and tell you to donate to the children of famine in Somalia through the AHAD.

The fact that you typed famine children of Somalia on the Google search engine means that you will see pictures of her forehead, which is why the AHAD did not stand still, but collected, planned and implemented through its volunteers in Somalia a set of works.

The assembly carried out:

472 food projects in 6 African countries, with 80,070 beneficiaries.

Children of famine in Somalia

Children of famine in Somalia

How to tackle poverty in Somalia

How to tackle poverty in Somalia We have to tell you that tackling poverty radically and categorically needs time because the solution is not to send food to them permanently, food has a duration and it will end.

The long-term solutions are to establish development projects for them and urge them to be effective in the world and society and that they are directly responsible for the children of the Somali famine.

Titles passed by you while reading the article

Children of famine in Somalia.

Children of Somalia.

What is the cause of Somalia’s poverty

The children of Somalia are starving.

How to tackle poverty in Somalia

Frequently asked questions:

1. What does the economy of Somalia depend on

Agriculture is the most important economic sector. It accounts for about 65% of GDP and employs 65% of the workforce. Livestock contributes about 40% of GDP and more than 50% of export earnings. Other major exports include fish, bananas, sugar, sorghum and corn.

2. Is Somalia in a famine

The ongoing hunger crisis in Somalia cannot be classified as a famine, according to the latest report by the integrated interim classification of food security (IPC) – (opens in a new window) International Organization responsible for monitoring hunger around the world – but the situation is likely to worsen in the coming months.

3. What is Somalia famous for

Somalia is famous for its availability of natural resources, as it has a large amount of natural gas and oil reserves, in addition, it is rich in iron, tin, copper and salt. Agriculture in Somalia is characterized as one of the largest economic fields, as it is famous for the presence of huge animal wealth in it. Its main exports are meat, fish, and agricultural products.

To conclude the article, do not make your Muslim soul a soul that does not care about the suffering of God’s servants on Earth, especially with the famine children in Somalia.

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