The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

The virtue of building mosques in Islam and the importance of taking care of them

Allah Almighty said in his holy book: “Only those who believe in Allah and the last day live, pray and pay zakat, and fear only Allah, may those of you be among the converts,” and many legitimate texts in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet confirm the virtue of building mosques in Islam. Abu Dharr Al-Ghaffari (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated from the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he said: “whoever builds a mosque for Allaah, even as a cat Examiner, Allaah will build him a house in Paradise”.

The mother of the believers, Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her), narrated that the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered the mosques to be built in dur and to be cleaned and cleaned. Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I love the country to Allaah for its mosques, and I hate the country to Allaah for its markets”.

The Holy Qur’an refers to the importance of Muslims taking care of mosques, where Allah Almighty says: “that and whoever magnifies the rituals of Allah, it is the one who strengthens the hearts”. Islamic rituals are held in mosques, and Allah Almighty has called in his holy book:”say the command of my Lord to pay a premium, and set your faces at each mosque and call him faithful to religion as you began to return”.

Ahad society is a pioneer in building mosques and promoting Islamic identity

The Ahad Association plays a prominent role in the construction of mosques and the promotion of Islamic identity in many communities. The association’s contribution is to provide places of worship and religious education, through the construction and maintenance of mosques in various regions.

Through its efforts, Ahad works to provide a suitable environment for Muslims to perform prayers, learn religion and promote Islamic values in the communities it serves. The association is a key partner in building the Islamic infrastructure and promoting communication and cohesion among the members of the communities in which it operates.

Through continuous and continuous efforts, Ahad society seeks to achieve an advanced and renewed Islamic vision, by strengthening the role of mosques as vital centers of learning and social communication in the communities they serve.

The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

The role of the Ahad Association in the construction of mosques and the development of Islamic infrastructure in Africa

The Ahad society strives to build mosques and strengthen the Islamic identity in Africa, and has contributed significantly to the provision of centers of worship for Muslims in a number of countries on the continent. In the period from 2021 to 2024, the association managed to build a total of 74 mosques, which contributed to meeting the needs of local communities and strengthening spirituality in these countries.

Details of achievements:

– In the year 2021, 27 mosques were built in multiple countries of Africa, including Benin, Chad, and Ghana.

– In the year 2022, the number of mosques increased to 21 in Ghana, Benin, Niger, Chad, Guinea and Mali.

– In the year 2023, 16 mosques were built in several countries, which led to the provision of prayer and religious education centers.

– In the year 2024, 10 new mosques were built, which shows the association’s ongoing commitment to the development of Islamic infrastructure and support for Muslims in Africa.

These efforts reflect the commitment of the “ahad ” Association to achieve the well-being and development of Muslim communities in Africa and to promote spirituality and solidarity among its members.

The role of mosques in promoting spirituality and social participation in the life of Muslims

The messenger of Allah-May the best Prayer and the fairest delivery be upon him – carried out the first construction work of a mosque in “Quba” on his way to Medina. He then participated in the construction of a mosque in Bani Salem Bin Auf after Friday prayers there. Upon arrival in the city, his first job was to build his mosque, and he took part in the construction himself.

These events reflect the importance of mosques in the life of Muslims, as they are not just places to perform prayers, but are devotional and social centers that play a vital role in achieving spiritual communication and social participation. This importance is manifested in the Almighty’s saying: “in the Houses of Allah’s permission to be lifted up and his name mentioned, praise him there tomorrow and in the future” (al-Nur: 36). The mosque is not only a place to perform worship, but it is a center from which Muslims derive spirituality to interact effectively in society and realize the message of Islam in charity work and social cooperation.

The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

The role of ahad society in the construction of mosques

He preferred to build mosques and pay attention to their reconstruction in Islam

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty pointed out the virtue of building mosques and paying attention to their reconstruction, where it is stated in Surah Al-tawbah verse 18: “only those who believe in Allah and the last day, establish prayer and pay zakat, and do not fear only Allah, may Those be among the converts”.

Imam al-Qurtubi interpreted this verse, where he explained that Allah Almighty has made the construction of mosques a proof of sincere faith, and that whoever does their architecture enjoys Allah’s satisfaction and complaisance. The righteous Salaf has stated that seeing a person building a mosque should carry a good thought.

The construction, maintenance, restoration, maintenance and financing of mosques is one of the greatest acts of charity in Islam, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told when he said: “whoever builds a mosque for Allaah as a cat examiner or the youngest, Allaah built him a house in Paradise.” this hadith was corrected by al-Albani and narrated by Ibn Majah.

He preferred the construction of mosques and the contribution of the community to this

In Islam, the Almighty promises whoever builds a mosque to paradise, whether his contribution is large or small. Even those who cannot afford to build a mosque on their own should contribute as much as they can, and strive to provide a place for Muslims to perform their duties, with the condition of devotion to Allah Almighty.

A Muslim narrated from Uthman ibn Affan that he wanted to build the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and when people wanted to leave his design in the form of his first mosque, Uthman (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: (whoever built a mosque for Allaah, Allaah built for him in paradise like him)”. The goal of building mosques is to be a dwelling in Paradise, and this includes everyone who contributed to its construction, whether large or small funds.

The use of the word “mosque” by denying it refers to another good news for those who cannot build a mosque on their own, everyone who contributed to its construction in any way will be included in the promise of paradise, God willing.

You can visit the ahad Association website to find out more about the projects it offers

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