Small Projects to Solve the Problem of Unemployment in Sudan

مشاريع صغيرة لحل مشكلة البطالة في السودان

Unemployment is a factor facing most countries in this modern world among them Sudan. Most youth experience severe pressure due to the inability of the labor market to avail opportunities for them. It contributes to the slow growth of economies and increasing rates of poverty among the people. The root causes of unemployment in Sudan are linked to a weak economic base infrastructure, mismatched skills to meet labor market requirements, and inadequacy in the number of opportunities in productive sectors.

What is unemployment?

Small Projects to Solve the Problem of Unemployment in Sudan

Unemployment is defined as a state when people are unable and/or cannot find work, even if they are willing and able to work. It is an adverse economic condition that affects individuals and society as a whole, since there is reduced productivity and a degraded standard of living.

Causes of Unemployment in Sudan

The key contributors to unemployment in Sudan include:

  • Skills Gap: Inability to match the actual demand of the labor market with the possessed skills.
  • Economic Challenges: Poor economic infrastructure and a non-friendly business environment for investors.
  • Population Growth: The growth rate of the population exceeds available jobs.
  • Political and Economic Crises: Prolonged crises impede the stability of labor markets in Sudan.

It lies in creating job opportunities, training them for the labor market demand skills, and encouraging SMEs. This way, it would contribute to the local economic development, bringing down unemployment rates and therefore opening new horizons before the youth.

Small Projects to Solve the Problem of Unemployment in Sudan

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Role of AFRIKA Hayatt association in Combating Unemployment in Sudan

AHAD has initiated small projects on unemployment in Sudan, such as the tailoring initiatives and livestock farming, with the aim of offering continued livelihood job opportunities to these vulnerable groups.

Participating in such a project is actual investment in the future of Sudanese youth by building a healthy and sustainable community.

Projects by Afrika hayatt to combat unemployment

The association focuses on small projects that empower the youth to have the ability to earn a living and also develop their skills. Some of the major programs include:

Shares in a Project: Through this project, the donors contribute to the building construction and service projects in Sudan. The projects could be schools, and while it creates new job opportunities for teachers, the people also get better infrastructure.

Small Projects to Solve the Problem of Unemployment in Sudan

Livestock Farming: Giving opportunities to poor families to raise livestock. The project presents the families with an opportunity to earn a self-sustaining income.

Small Projects to Solve the Problem of Unemployment in Sudan

Sewing Machines: One of the most effective means of employment. The foundation provides sewing machines to those who wish to learn tailoring. The project allows beneficiaries to set up small-scale businesses in the garment industry, which is one of the most sought-after industries, especially in African nations.

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also: Sewing’s Role in Empowerment of African Women, Supporting Economies Against Daily Challenges

Rewards and Blessings in Improving People’s Lives

Engaging in these projects not only improves economic conditions but also brings immense rewards and blessings by helping others. Support for such initiatives is in line with what the Quran teaches about working in the way of Allah and the rewards for doing so. Allah says:

Whoever comes with a good deed will have better than it, and whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like thereof. (Surah Al-An’am: 160)

All combined, we are going to create real change in the lives of so many families and communities in Sudan. Every contribution you make gives rise to jobs that are sustainable and contributes to better livelihoods for individual people. Empowering persons and families makes them agents of these solutions, allowing them to contribute to local economic growth and overall sustainable development. Join this journey of giving and be the change we’ve all been waiting for.

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