The rule of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The rule of slaughtering a sacrifice in the month of Ramadan is a confirmed Sunnah in Islam, where Muslims slaughter a sacrifice as an expression of closeness to Allah and victim in Ramadan for his sake. The sacrifice of the victim in the month of Ramadan is considered a favorite thing of Allah and is considered one of the great acts of worship that achieve great reward and great reward for the believer. This practice is an occasion to promote spirituality and solidarity in the Muslim community.

The rule of sacrificial slaughter in Islam

Sacrificial slaughter in Islam is not an imposition on Muslims, but it is a sure Sunnah. Sacrificial slaughter is considered a mustahabb Act and an offering to Allah, may he be exalted, as Muslims express their sacrifice and closeness to Allah. Sacrifice purifies souls, brings people closer to the poor and needy, promotes the spirit of solidarity and love in the Muslim community.

The importance of slaughtering the victim in the month of Ramadan

The importance of sacrificial slaughter in the month of Ramadan lies in the fact that it expresses the sacrifice of Muslims and brings them closer to Allah. In addition, the sacrificial slaughter promotes solidarity and social solidarity among members of the Muslim community and serves to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy.

Legitimate conditions for the slaughter of the victim

There must be some legitimate conditions for slaughtering a victim in the month of Ramadan, which are as follows:

The slaughtered person must be a right-minded adult.

The victim should be full of well-being and not suffer from any health defects.

The smart person should be pure and the place of fixing a person in Islam.

The time of slaughter should be on the days specified for the sacrifice (from the day of the feast and for three days after it).

The sacrifice must be the subject of the confirmation of the moon (it is not permissible to slaughter it before the visibility of the crescent moon is confirmed).

The ability to purchase sacrifices and observation (a person must be able to purchase sacrifices and carry out slaughter in the legitimate way).

The rule of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The conditions that must be met for slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The conditions that must be met for the slaughter of the victim in Ramadan require several elements. The slaughtered person must be an adult and of sound mind. The victim must also be free from health defects and experience well-being. In addition, the sacrifice must be pure and the time of slaughter must be on the days specified for the sacrifice and the sacrifice must be subject to the confirmation of the moon and the Muslim must be able to purchase the sacrifice and be able to carry out the slaughter in the legitimate way.

Desirable conditions for slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

It is desirable that the carcass be male, and it is better if it is quite old and does not have any health defects.

One of the desirable conditions is also that the sacrifice be slaughtered at the time prescribed for it, which is during the specified days of Eid al-Adha.

It is preferable that the sacrifice be slaughtered after the performance of the Eid prayer, and it is preferable that the sacrifice be of the animals that are slaughtered in the Sharia, such as sheep and goats.

The rule of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The provisions for the slaughter of the victim in the month of Ramadan include several important points. The slaughter must first be after the Eid prayer, preferably the slaughter should be an adult male and without health defects. It is also forbidden to slaughter the victim on the three days of sacrifice of Ramadan. Part of the sacrifice should also be distributed to the poor and needy.

Prohibited things during the slaughter of the victim in Ramadan

Muslims should avoid doing forbidden things during the sacrificial slaughter in the month of Ramadan. Among these prohibited things are: offering the sacrifice before the Eid prayer, slaughtering the victim on the three days of the sacrifice of Ramadan, slaughtering the victim in unauthorized places for this. Muslims should be careful to comply with these Sharia directives in order to ensure the correctness and maturity of the sacrifice.


Common mistakes in slaughtering a victim in Ramadan

Some Muslims make common mistakes during the slaughter of the sacrifice in the month of Ramadan, such as doing the slaughter method incorrectly, not following the etiquette and prophetic Sunnah related to the slaughter of the sacrifice, or not respecting the environment and hygiene during the slaughter. Muslims must adhere to the correct methods and respect to ensure the correctness and merit of a good sacrifice.

The rule of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The benefits of slaughtering a victim in the month of Ramadan

The slaughter of the victim in the month of Ramadan carries many benefits. It strengthens the closeness to Allah and brings the Muslim closer to him. It also reminds believers of the sacrifices of the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) and his preoccupation with the command of Allah. It also contributes to enhancing social communication and enhancing the spirit of cooperation and solidarity in society. In addition, sacrificial animals provide meat to the poor and needy and contribute to the promotion of social justice.

The religious benefits of slaughtering a victim in Ramadan

Slaughtering the victim in the month of Ramadan carries great religious benefits, as it is considered one of the noble cults that increase the believer’s closeness to Allah. It is considered a reminder to Muslims of the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his obedience to Allah. It also reflects the worship of The Believer by performing his duty, sacrificing for Allah and strengthening religious ties between Muslims.

The social and humanitarian benefits of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

Slaughtering the victim in Ramadan carries many benefits from a social and humanitarian point of view. This act of worship promotes cooperation and synergy among Muslims, as people participate in the distribution of sacrificial meat to the poor and needy. Sacrificial slaughter also serves to strengthen social ties between members of society and promote compassion and empathy between them.

Forensic evidence on the importance of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

The importance of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan comes from the Sharia evidence indicated by Quranic verses and prophetic hadiths. In the Holy Qur’an, it is mentioned that Allah has imposed on Muslims the sacrifice of sacrifice as an important act of worship, while in the frequent hadiths the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gives good examples of sacrificial slaughter and distribution to the poor and needy.

Quranic verses indicate the importance of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

Many Quranic verses indicate the importance of slaughtering the victim in the month of Ramadan, including the saying of Allah Almighty in the surah of Hajj: “then let them spend their mourning, fulfill their vows, and tour the old house” (Hajj: 29). In this verse, Muslims are instructed to perform The Vow and perform the offering by slaughtering the sacrifice in the holy month. The Holy Quran reinforces the importance of this worship in showing obedience and closeness to Allah in Ramadan.

Prophetic hadiths explain the importance of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan

There are many prophetic hadiths that explain the importance that Islam attaches to the sacrifice of sacrifice in the month of Ramadan. Narrated al-Bukhari from Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “whoever performed My prayers on the day of Eid as Allah taught me, it is as if he is near a sacrifice. These hadiths show that slaughtering the victim in Ramadan is considered one of the mustahabbat and brings the Muslim closer to Allah.

The rule of slaughtering the victim in Ramadan


Slaughtering the victim in the month of Ramadan is one of the important and desirable cults in Islam, and it carries many religious and social benefits. Therefore, Muslims should adhere to its implementation in accordance with the conditions of legality. It promotes worship, brings a Muslim closer to Allah, and works to achieve solidarity and cooperation between members of society. It is also necessary for Muslims to educate others about this worship, to participate in the collection of sacrifices and distribute them to the needy.

The importance of the obligation of Muslims to slaughter the victim in Ramadan

The importance of Muslims ‘ commitment to sacrificial slaughter in the month of Ramadan lies in their expression of appreciation for this desirable worship. It promotes worship and brings Muslims closer to the satisfaction of Allah, and also works to achieve solidarity and cooperation between members of society. In addition, sacrifices are distributed to those in need to promote social equality and the spirit of love and giving in the holy month of Ramadan.

Frequently asked questions about slaughtering a victim in Ramadan

There are some common questions people ask about sacrificial slaughter in Ramadan. Among these questions: Is it possible to slaughter the victim on any day of Ramadan Is it required to fast on the day of slaughter Is it permissible to slaughter the victim before the Eid prayer Is a special intention required when slaughtering a victim Answers to these questions should be obtained from qualified scientists and sheikhs.

AHAD society works to achieve all the legal provisions of the victim.

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