What is said when slaughtering a victim about a dead person


The sacrifice of the victim for the Dead is considered an important act of charity in Islam. This operation is carried out for the benefit of the dead, during which the sacrificial victim is slaughtered with the intention of praying and pleading to God for forgiveness of sins and his mercy on the deceased. The slaughter of the sacrificial victim for the dead requires respect for the legitimate conditions and the necessary preparations. In this article, we will learn about Important Tips, sharia rulings and how to distribute and eat sacrificial meat for a dead person.

The meaning of the sacrifice for the dead

Sacrifice for the dead means that the animal is slaughtered as a donation on behalf of a deceased person, with the aim of praying and pleading to God for forgiveness of sins and his mercy on the deceased. This process is considered an important act of charity in Islam and needs respect for legitimate conditions and necessary preparations. In the coming parts we will get acquainted with how to perform the slaughter of the sacrifice for the dead, distribute and eat the meat of the sacrifice correctly.

Important tips before slaughtering the victim about the dead

Make sure that the animal to be slaughtered for dead is of the legally permitted species.

Ensure the viability of the animal and the absence of any defects or diseases in it.

Get permission from the family of the deceased to perform the sacrifice for him.

Communicate with a specialist in sacrificial slaughter and make sure that he is able to perform the slaughter correctly.

Ensure the availability of all necessary tools and equipment for slaughtering and cleaning the place.

Not to postpone the performance of the sacrifice for the deceased and pay attention to its timely execution.

Ensure that the distribution of the victim’s meat after slaughter is determined in a healthy and orderly manner.

Psychological and spiritual readiness to participate in this charity and offer prayers to the lost.

Conditions for the slaughter of the victim for the dead

The conditions for slaughtering a sacrificial victim for a dead person include the following:

1. The animal that is slaughtered for dead must be one of the legally permitted species.

2. The animal must be fit for slaughter, free from defects and diseases.

3. Get permission from the family of the deceased to perform the sacrifice for him.

4. Ensure the presence of a specialist in the sacrificial slaughter and its proper execution.

5. Provides the necessary tools and equipment for slaughtering and cleaning the place.

What is said when slaughtering a victim about a dead person

The right times to slaughter a sacrifice for a dead

The appropriate times for the sacrificial slaughter of a dead person are considered to be related to the time of death of a person. It is preferable to slaughter the victim for the dead on the same day or in the following days after burial. It is preferable to slaughter them during the daytime and avoid slaughtering them at night, in order to facilitate the slaughtering procedures and prepare the meat for distribution and distribution to the needy.

Necessary preparations before slaughtering the victim for the dead

Before the sacrificial slaughter for the dead, there are some necessary preparations that must be made. The most important of them is to ensure the availability of all the necessary tools and utensils for slaughtering the victim. It is also necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the place and the availability of appropriate conditions for carrying out the slaughter process. Do not forget to also equip the necessary utensils and tools for slicing and splitting meat after slaughter.

Sharia guidelines for slaughtering the victim for the dead

The Sharia guidelines for slaughtering a victim for the dead include several important tips. The sacrifice must be for Allah Almighty alone, and the buyer intended to slaughter the sacrificial victim for a dead person. The sacrifice must also be intact and free from visible defects. Slaughter should be in the name of God, decisively and quickly. This should be done by an adult and Sane Muslim person. It is advisable that the place of slaughter is convenient and clean and the necessary sterilization is carried out.

How to perform sacrificial slaughter for the dead

Performing sacrificial slaughter for the dead requires adherence to some basic steps. The buyer should start by relying on Allah and saying in the name of Allah. Then he grips the victim firmly and firmly, quickly performs the slaughter with a sharp knife. It must be cut quickly and wisely to avoid torturing the animal. After the slaughter, the sacrificial should be processed and divided to distribute the meat to the poor and needy.

What should the buyer of a sacrifice for a dead person do

The buyer of the sacrifice for a dead person must begin by entrusting and trusting God to him before starting to slaughter the sacrifice. He must also be firm and strong when holding the sacrifice, and slaughter it with a sharp knife quickly and wisely. He should also adhere to the Sharia provisions in slaughtering the sacrifice and distributing it to the poor and needy.

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What to do with sacrificial meat when slaughtering for a dead

After slaughtering the sacrifice for a dead person, the buyer should treat the meat of the sacrifice with good treatment and follow the Sharia provisions in its distribution. The buyer can use the meat to prepare meals for him and his family, and the bulk of the meat should be served to the poor and needy. The meat can also be stored in the refrigerator or cooked and frozen for later use.

How to distribute and divide the sacrificial meat for the dead

After the sacrifice is slaughtered for the dead, it is important to distribute and divide its meat fairly and usually the meat is divided into three equal sections. The first part is distributed to family and relatives, the second part is given to neighbors and friends, and the last part is distributed to the poor and needy. The meat is served appropriately so as to ensure that as many people as possible benefit.

Tips for storing sacrificial meat after slaughtering it for the dead

After the sacrificial victim is slaughtered for dead, some tips should be followed to store her meat hygienically and safely. First, cut the meat into small pieces and store in sealable bags in the refrigerator. Secondly, meat can be frozen in the event that it does not need to be consumed immediately. Thirdly, it should be ensured that the meat is stored at a low temperature to ensure that it is not damaged. Following these tips will help you to take advantage of the sacrificial meat for the dead for a longer time.

The rule of slaughtering the victim for the dead

Slaughtering a victim for a dead person has a legitimate and acceptable rule in Islamic law. If the deceased has not sacrificed in his lifetime or he has sacrificed and the sacrifice has not reached the period of slaughter after his death, then it is permissible for his family and friends to sacrifice the sacrifice for him and donate its meat to those in need. Care must be taken to perform the slaughter in accordance with the prescribed Sharia provisions.

The legal provisions related to the slaughter of the victim for the dead

Slaughtering a victim for a dead person has a legitimate and acceptable ruling in Islamic law. Care must be taken to perform the slaughter in accordance with the prescribed Sharia provisions. The victim should be healthy and have reached less than six months at the time of slaughter. The buyer must also perform the sacrifice for the dead with the right intention for the sake of Allah Almighty. And it is better to entrust a trusted person to perform the slaughter rather than the dead person himself.

What is said after the end of the sacrificial slaughter about the dead

After the end of the sacrificial slaughter for the dead, the buyer should say a few prayer phrases and congratulations. Among the phrases that can be said are “God bless her”,”God accepted us and you”, and”God made this work in the balance of our good deeds”. It can also be said that “we ask Allah to accept the sacrifice and make it a current charity for the deceased”, and”I freed her from the fire to intercede for him on the day of resurrection”. It is also preferable to read the Fatiha about the soul of the deceased.

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