International Children’s day

The International Children’s day is our choice for you for the day titled For this article, in which we review with you what are the rights of children and where the importance of the International Children’s day lies.

In addition, we talked with you about a new vision on the International Children’s day and when exactly is the International Children’s day every year

International Children’s day

Today’s children are the leaders of tomorrow, and in a world where children make up a large percentage of its population and their situations vary around the world, but the consensus is that they are the reason for the happiness of their parents, and the enjoyment of their rights is a great priority, so the International Children’s day was created to raise awareness of children’s rights.

Proceeding from them, we say that the International Children’s day is an international day that coincides with the date of signing the International Convention on the rights of the child on November 20, 1989 by (192) countries, ratified by all countries except the United States, which signed it without ratification.

International Children's day

The date of November 20 is important because the declaration of the rights of the child was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959, as well as the date of adoption by the General Assembly of the convention on the rights of the child in 1989.

Mothers and fathers, professionals and workers in the fields of education, medicine, nursing, the government sector, civil society activists, religious sheikhs, local community leaders, business and media workers-as well as children themselves-can participate in important roles to connect World Children’s day with their communities and nations.

AHAD seeks through its participation in the commemoration of the International Children’s day, each of us has an inspiring jumping-off point to defend, promote and celebrate children’s rights, and translate them into discussions and actions to build a better world for children.

Semantic headings that we have included for you inside the article:

International Children’s day

When is the International Children’s day

A new vision on the International Children’s day

What are the rights of children

The importance of the International Children’s day

When is the International Children’s day

AHAD supports humanitarian causes, and seeks through its work to mobilize and organize efforts to support the weak and oppressed and secure the poor and needy in every possible way, through your donations, which remains our first supporter and catalyst towards continuing to give and produce.

In the light of what we have said in this paragraph, we answer the following question: When is the International Children’s day

The International Children’s day was proclaimed in 1954 as a global occasion celebrated on 20 November every year to promote international cohesion and raise awareness among the children of the world.

Since 1990, World Children’s day has been celebrated as the anniversary of the date of the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the declaration on the rights of the child and the related convention.

AHAD recognizes the cultural and humanitarian depth of the bet to protect children, care for them and provide them with the necessary skills in interaction with new contexts and the requirements of the Times.

International Children's day

A new vision on the International Children’s day

In Japan, for example, children’s day is celebrated 3 times a year with public street celebrations in national costume, while in Colombia children wear clown masks.

In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where children represent a third of the population, the International Children’s day is commemorated through events organized in malls and inside schools through various paragraphs that include various activities such as drawing, singing, etc.

Just as this day is special around the world, there must be a new vision on International Children’s day at home and with your children too

We offer you a set of ideas that you can implement:

Decorate your home with the decor of your child’s beloved cartoon character.

Talk with your child about this day and tell you about his wish and vision for children’s rights around the world.

Go with your child to charity work and make children in need happy.

Say words of admiration and love to your child to increase his self-confidence.

Write a letter for your child, put it on a sheet of paper and throw it on his desk for him to read.

What are the rights of children

In this paragraph, we answer you about the rights of children and what everyone in society should do and believe in what simple details will achieve if they are implemented with skill and love:

Caring for children is not a secondary task, making sure that parents are always by their side is a sacred and original responsibility and duty.

Give the child love, laughter and peace.

We want the child to grow up feeling that reading is like sleeping, eating and drinking, and to know that playing is something that is repeated every day.

Taking away the dignity of a child justifies his act of ugliness.

International Children's day

There are four general principles on which the convention on the rights of the child is based that were discussed during the International Children’s day, so what are the rights of the child in order

The right to life, survival and growth.

Unfair non-discrimination.

The right to listen to the child.

The best interests of the child.

Depriving children of their basic rights reinforces the cycle of poverty and vulnerability from one generation to the next, and yet we have the power to change that, Ahad hopes that you will join us to build a world where every child is at school, exercising their right to learn, safe from harm and able to realize their potential.

The importance of the International Children’s day

Children are the future, and attention to them and the full details of their upbringing is imposed on everyone, it should be urged to raise awareness and spread knowledge about what children face globally, since there are millions of children who do not have access to education or health care.

Perhaps not everyone knows that children’s rights are violated all the time-despite the civilized, cultural and technological development-to this day in several forms:

Killing or maiming.

Recruitment of children.

Sexual violence.


Attacks on schools and hospitals.

Denial of humanitarian assistance.

Based on the importance of the International Children’s day, the United Nations Children’s fund “UNICEF” called on all countries of the world to commemorate this day by lighting historical buildings and decorating classrooms and schools in blue as an expression of the psychological, scientific and physical rights of childhood.

International Children's day

Ahad renews its call to activate all the charters supporting childhood, and to embody the rights it contains on the ground, to touch reality in the executive plans drawn for it.

International Children’s day

When is the International Children’s day

A new vision on the International Children’s day

What are the rights of children

The importance of the International Children’s day

Frequently asked questions:

What is the motto of the International Children’s day

Every right”, as this slogan provides children with the full enjoyment of rights. With this, we have come to the conclusion of our article, in which we devoted the conversation about the International Children’s day 2023, and highlighted the issues related to this event.

What are some of the rights of the child

Whatever their age, all children have human rights, just like adults. This includes the right to speak out and express opinions, as well as the right to equality, health, education, a clean environment, a safe place to live and protection from all kinds of harm.

Concluding our article on the International Children’s day, we convey to you the opinion of the Ahad so that the emphasis on intellectual and systemic coherence in the work of any association depends primarily on the correct understanding of the mission that the association fully seeks to perform, and then you in your support that you can translate according to your capabilities, your donation contributes highly to supporting our civilizational message and promoting our projects and community activities.


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