Why Somalia has become a poor country What are the causes of drought in Somalia What does Somalia import And many other questions that invade social media are a cause of global concern in general, and in countries suffering from water scarcity in particular.
In addition to the question of which countries suffer from a water deficit How can we conserve water
This changed many of the questions that the leaders of the AHAD have set their sights on and are working hard to save those countries from the suffocating crisis in water.
Why Somalia has become a poor country
More than a decade after the outbreak of the Civil War, which made the Republic of Somalia one of the poorest countries in the world, but Somalia is once again returning to the focus of international concerns, but as part of the war on terrorism.
The ongoing conflict over two consecutive decades has led to the displacement of more than a million Somalis in their country, and almost a million people have taken refuge in neighboring countries.

Why Somalia has become a poor country
Why Somalia has become a poor country There are many reasons, including:
Rising food prices.
Frequent droughts.
Flooding, worsening poverty.
Without formal health insurance, most Somali families are forced to rely on self-insurance to cope with sudden events, including the sale or mortgage of material and productive assets, or borrowing from friends, relatives and some lenders.
Important addresses we have selected for you:
1. Why Somalia has become a poor country
2. What are the causes of drought in Somalia
3. What does Somalia import
4. Which countries have a water deficit
How can we conserve water
What are the causes of drought in Somalia
What are the causes of drought in Somalia The ongoing drought disaster since 2020 in Somalia is considered a result of the lack of rainfall, which prompted the Somali government to declare a “state of emergency”, and appealed on October 23 to the international community to provide assistance, and millions of Somalis are still experiencing great difficulties in obtaining food and safe drinking water.
One of the reasons for the occurrence of drought and why Somalia has become one of the poor countries
The main reason for the drought that hit Somalia and the ensuing consequences is the instability and conflict that the country is experiencing, in addition to climate change and extreme weather conditions that played an important role in the occurrence of drought, and reports indicate that the climatic phenomenon is the most important factor that played a positive role in the drought phenomenon.
What does Somalia import
Our answer to this question is: what does Somalia import We remind you of the two most important imported goods:
The largest of Somalia’s imports is tobacco, from which it imports 442 million dollars a year.
It is followed by sugar, from which it imports 263 million dollars.
Somalia imports 90% of its tobacco from the United Arab Emirates and 90% of its raw sugar from India.
Which countries have a water deficit
There are many countries of the world that have been severely affected in the field of human health and insufficient drinking water, below is a partial list of some of the countries that have populations affected by water deficit, we remind you in order which countries are experiencing a water deficit:
1. Sudan has 12.3 million people.
2. Venezuela has 5.0 million people.
3. Zimbabwe has 2.7 million people.
4. Tunisia has 2.1 million people.
5. Cuba has 1.2 million people.
Somalia must be at the top of the list, and it is everyone’s duty to search for why Somalia has become a poor country
The Arab regions are the most water-scarce of all the regions of the world, with 19 out of 22 Arab countries falling within the scope of global water scarcity.
How can we conserve water
Why Somalia has become a poor country How can we conserve water One of the questions that stops the owners of living pronouns and it is our duty to answer them briefly for you:
Awareness and education: educating people about the importance of water availability and how to use it effectively can help promote awareness and change water-related behaviors.
Efficient use of water: avoid water waste by repairing leaks, and using effective water distribution techniques in homes and institutions.
Smart agriculture: improve agricultural irrigation methods using technologies such as drip irrigation and under-irrigation to reduce water consumption in agriculture.
Water pollution control: preventing the leakage of pollutants into surface and groundwater through the implementation of legislation and the implementation of waste control and treatment technologies.
Water recycling: the use of wastewater treatment technologies for use for non-drinking purposes such as irrigation and cooling.
Innovative technologies: the use of advanced technologies such as water collection from fog, desalination of marine water, the use of intelligent systems to monitor and manage water consumption.
Titles related to the article:
Why Somalia has become a poor country
What are the causes of drought in Somalia
What does Somalia import
Which countries have a water deficit
How can we conserve water
Frequently asked questions:
1. What is Somalia famous for
Somalia is famous for its availability of natural resources, as it has a large amount of natural gas and oil reserves, in addition, it is rich in iron, tin, copper and salt.
Agriculture in Somalia is characterized as one of the largest economic fields, as it is famous for the presence of huge animal wealth in it. Its main exports include meat, fish, and agricultural products.
2. What are the causes of drought in the world
The first answer provided by scientists is the climatic changes that led to an increase in the Earth’s temperature by one degree, in addition to the decline in snowfall during the winter, which led to a decrease in the volume of water that usually rushes from the mountains, as well as the rise in the level of water consumption by plants because they suffer from drought and the decline in land fertility.
AHAD attaches great importance to cooperation with institutions that share the same vision and mission in creating sustainable change in the communities they serve. if you are an institution or an individual and want to cooperate, contact us via email for more information.
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