
Gıda programları:
AHAD’daki gıda programları, hizmet verdiğimiz topluluklardaki gıda kıtlığını gidermeyi ve açlık sorunlarını çözmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çatışmaların, doğal afetlerin ve iklim değişikliğinin etkilerinden hayat kurtarmak için acil gıda yardımı sağlıyoruz ve yerel tarımı ve çiftçiliği destekliyoruz.
Gıda projelerinin amaçları:
- Acil gıda yardımı sağlanması
- Yerel tarım ve çiftçiliğin desteklenmesi
- Kendi kendine yeterliliği geliştirin

WASH Programs:
Our WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) programs focus on improving access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and promoting hygiene practices in the communities we serve. We work on building wells, boreholes, and water pumps, as well as improving water storage and distribution systems. Through these efforts, we aim to reduce water-borne diseases, improve overall health and wellbeing, and promote dignity for all individuals.
- Building wells and boreholes
- Installing water pumps and tanks
- Improving water storage and distribution systems

Development Programs:
AHAD’s development programs aim to empower communities and promote sustainable development. We provide business training and support, promote entrepreneurship, and create job opportunities for underprivileged communities. Our goal is to help communities become self-sufficient and thrive.

Health Programs:
Our health programs focus on improving access to healthcare services, supporting maternal and child health, and providing medical aid to the communities we serve. We work to address the root causes of health issues such as cataract and promote preventative measures to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.
- Improving access to healthcare services
- Supporting maternal and child health
- Providing medical aid to the communities we serve

Education Programs:
AHAD’s education programs aim to improve access to education and provide educational resources and supplies to the communities we serve. We work to build and renovate schools, mosques and Quran memorization centres. and provide access to quality education, which we believe is a fundamental human right.
- Building and renovating schools
- Providing educational resources and supplies
- Training and supporting teachers

Response Programs:
In times of crisis and emergencies, AHAD Africa Hub team and volunteers respond quickly to provide assistance and support to those affected. Our response programs provide immediate relief and work towards long-term recovery efforts. We believe in the importance of being prepared to respond to emergencies and supporting communities during difficult times.
Gıda Güvenliği
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Sağlık hizmeti
Kadınları destekleme projeleri
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Şu anda mevcut olan bağış yöntemi, banka hesaplarımızdan birine doğrudan banka havalesi yapmaktır.
How to volunteer
Join us in our efforts to make a difference by becoming a volunteer with AHAD and learn more about Africa Hub. Whether you have skills in fundraising, event planning, or community outreach, we welcome volunteers of all backgrounds and skill levels. Fill out our volunteer application form to get started.
Collaborations with AHAD
AHAD values partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our mission of creating sustainable and impactful change in African communities. If you would like to collaborate with us on a project or program, please email us with your proposal.
Bir projeye katılmak
Üzerinde çalıştığımız projelerin başarısında bağışçıların büyük payı var. Yaptığınız katkılar bireylerin hayatlarını ve dolayısıyla tüm toplulukların geleceğini değiştirebilir.
Sizi projeler sayfasına göz atmaya ve projelerimizi yakından incelemeye davet ediyoruz. Ayrıca aynı sayfa üzerinden belirli bir projeye bağışta bulunabileceğiniz gibi, bağış sayfası üzerinden de kuruluşumuza genel bağışta bulunabilirsiniz.