Health situation in Africa

Health situation in Africa

Africa occupies the first place in terms of disease outbreaks and deaths. it is oneof the most prevalent regions of the world of HIV / AIDS with 60%, while itspopulation does not exceed 11% of the total world population. Furthermore,90% of all patients with swamp...
The water crisis in Africa

The water crisis in Africa

Africa is one of the countries most affected by the water crisis, especially with itspopulation growth and rapid urbanization, where the growing population ofAfrica, which is expected to increase to 1,245 million by 2025 and to 2.069 millionby 2050, increases the...


Asiya stood in line, her eyes fixed on the well at the end of the row. She had been waiting for hours, and her throat felt like sandpaper. But she knew she couldn’t give up. This was the only source of water in the camp, and if she didn’t get her share,...
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